This summer, I worked at Portland State University with short term International programs. For the whole month of August, I got to meet and guide about 40 students from Tokyo University of Science. We had a lot of really great times together in Portland and around Oregon state including rafting on the Dechutes, camping in Teepees, going to a Mariners game, and helping them improve their English.

Last week, I got to hang out with these wonderful people again! A dear friend Morishun planned a ski trip for all of us to Niigata, about 1.5 hours from Tokyo by bullet train. About 20 people total could go, so we met at Tokyo station on a Wednesday morning. We went skiing all day and with epic snow conditions (a bit cold, though!) and trekked to our hotel around 6pm. After going in the ofuro (Japanese bath), we ate a wonderful and huge traditional Japanese dinner. And then, they suprised me and Hiroaki with a birthday celebration. I didn't even know anyone knew it was my birthday! It was so unexpected and delightful!

We went skiiing again the next day and then back to Tokyo that night. I spent the night at my friends house with 2 other girls. The following day, 5 of us toured around went to China town and an aquarium in Yokohama.

It was so great to see them all again so soon. I am blessed to have such cool friends!
That fish tank looks really cool. I wish we could have gone there. Was it cool?
I love you linz.
The fish escaltor is indeed cool... looks it anyhow
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