I am reading a book right now called "Eat, Pray Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert. It's an incredible account from many angles and one of those just happens to be the fact that she writes passionately about Italy. More specifically, she writes about experience after experience of eating the most scrumptious pasta, pizza and gelato in the entire world. These three priorities were also on the top of my and Emily's list on our short time in Italy (which happened way too long ago). To say the least, this current read brought to the forefront of my mind all the best things about not only this wonderful country, but traveling in general. Big huge travel plans are moving from the slip-through-your-fingers-sand-stage to a somewhat graspable small pebble stage. More to come on that soon. Enjoy these images in the meantime.
Hi there Linz. Life is well. How about you? Have you planned another trip of the year? Please do pray for me, if God allows me, I'd like to continue my study next year in the nearest yet smallest continent next to Indonesia ^^ Take care...
Hey Linz!
It was nice talking to you
a while ago.
Is Japan in your list of
I'm glad you started writing your
blog again!
You know what? Yesterday I just told my friend here your travel story to Italy and here's your post with similar kind of story...haha...
cool memories, bad pics. you need a good camera!!!!
Hi there Linz. Life is well. How about you? Have you planned another trip of the year? Please do pray for me, if God allows me, I'd like to continue my study next year in the nearest yet smallest continent next to Indonesia ^^
Take care...
neat post! read 29 days later but glad that I did :) I now know where the plans got stronger from!! me too..mine too :)
Lins-- new post, new post, I wanna know what's up??? :) How are you??
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