5 sweaters
2 sweatshirts
1 fleece
1 matching teaset
2 sets of chopsticks
1 beautiful plate
1 cereal bowl
a few nice hangers
1 purse
1 Bon Appetit, 1 Sunset and a Japanese art book
1 bread pan
and best of all...
1 super duper blue on one side paisley on the other side down comforter
All for less than 500 yen (<$5.00)!
This week the Sapporo International Women's Club held a flea market for the international students. It was like the world's best garage sale and the running price for all clothes was 10 yen! Yeah for cheap stuff!
I already posted a picture of my room, but it is much brighter now with all your smiling faces on my wall.

Speaking of my beautiful room and cheap things, tickets to Tokyo are $425 right now. Sushi anyone?
Your room looks awesome.
Lindsey it's amazing to see all the people that love you and are interested in your life abroad!
I will have to send you a pic to put on your wall;)
P.S. I love sushi when is the best time to visit?
Culture Shock... those photos are amazing! Never realized just how beautiful it is out there, or that there was much of a country side!
Therese your coming to Japan in Feb? you better come visit me too.
摂 [ Seth ]
hey girl----looks like life is good for you! we're so happy you are busy....that's when life is the best, carpe diem! (did i spell that right???) hard to believe you guys are all in different places, isn't life wonderful? it's fun to see where God is leading all of you. miss you--rovi fam...
I wish I could have shopped with you! Your room is really cute. I'll skip the sushi, but I would love to come and visit! Miss you so much. I still think of calling you, but realize you're gone. That makes me sad:(. Love you!
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